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Canadian Sportsbetting


Hockey is a sport that was originated in Montreal, Canada and is the most popular sport in Canada. Canadians can now place on hockey games at provincial sportsbooks, and citizens residing in Ontario can also legally place bets on their favourite teams and games at many other sportsbooks licensed throug iGaming.

Horse Racing

Horse Racing - aka the Sport of Kings - is a popular sportsbetting event in Canada. From coast to coast, people are placing legal bets at licensed online sportsbooks, hoping that their favourite racing stallions will result in a win place or show.


Football is the most watched sport in the United States of America. Whether you're by yourself or hanging out with friends huddled around watching the game onTV or watching it at a local sportsbar, there are many opportunites for bettors to place their bets on touchdowns legally online at licensed sportsbooks in Canada.


Basketball is a popular sport in Canada. Whether your just shooting some hoops with friends at the park or watching pro b-ball live, basketball is a fun game for Canadians. Basketball was actually invented by a Canadian named James Naismith, while he was living in Springfield, Machussetts, USA. Basketball sportsbetting is legally available to Canadians at provincially licensed online sportsbooks.


Baseball games are loved by Canadians almost as much as hockey games are! The Jays are always willing to play ball, and many Canadians are avid Toronto Blue Jay fans. Canadians can now legally place their bets on baseball games at a variety of licensed online sportsbooks.


Soccer is a the most participated sport in Canada. It is a fun and easy game, and it is a healthy game to play. It is also fun to watch and bet on. There are many legal sportsbooks across Canada that offer a variety of options and spreads for soccer bettors.


No matter what the sport, there is a sportsbook waiting for you! Placing your bets is as easy as 333!

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